Linda Salvin, MPH, PhD

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A Los Angeles native, Linda Salvin is a metaphysical clinician, psychic/healer and veteran radio personality. She earned a bachelor’s degree in health education from San Francisco State University and a Master of Public Health degree in epidemiology from the University of Michigan. She worked as an industrial hygienist in aerospace and conducted cancer research at USC. As a health educator at CSUN, she established a drug abuse program for the campus in 1988. 

Linda’s life changed when she survived a commercial airline plane crash in 1981, followed by being hit by a fire truck in 1982. In 1984 she had an auto accident where she saw the white light. Dr. Linda, as her clients call her, shares that these events opened her up psychically and spiritually in ways she never dreamed possible. 

Today she provides private consultations to people all over the world. In 2008 she earned a PhD in metaphysics from the American Institute of Holistic Theology and became board- certified by the American Alternative Medical Association. Dr. Linda has produced and hosted her own award-winning radio shows since 1995 and is the creator of the Wicks of Wisdom™ candle line.  

What inspired you to pursue a career in your field?

My background is in public health, but I could not return to the field after my accidents. I feel I was indoctrinated into the psychic and metaphysical world by something greater than myself. 

What are some of the essential qualities for women in leadership roles today?

Some of the essential qualities for women in leadership roles today include strength, perseverance, patience and the ability to communicate honestly. Competition is high, and people will cheat, lie, steal, backstab and berate another to get ahead. We have to hold our beliefs and keep moving forward.

What advice would you give your younger self just starting out in business?

Advice to my younger self would be: “Keep believing in what you do, feel and know, regardless of the adversities and pain. Doors continue to open with faith, dedication and hard work.” 

What challenges have you faced as a woman in business?

Overcoming challenges in business requires thick skin at times, as well as holding true to my beliefs, gifts and talents—which many 

people shun, don’t understand or fear. Being a psychic has benefits and disadvantages, but helping people is my passion, regardless of the methodology best suited for each individual. Learning to develop trustworthy relationships has held the key for me. 

Why are you considered the go-to person in your industry?

Over the past few decades, I became well known for my accuracy and ability to integrate science with spirituality. My reputation grew over the years as I have helped people from all walks of life, from the homeless to the White House. I stepped away from the paranormal in 2018 for more integrative and metaphysical work.

Share a significant accomplishment in your career. 

I am grateful to have been chosen out of hundreds to be the nighttime psychic on KBIG 104.3 FM in 1994. My reputation grew as the original radio psychic. I have been on TV, in a documentary and written up in books. In 2008 I was given a Certificate of Recognition by the California State Assembly for my continued support for local school communities, the countless hours of service on talk radio and my efforts to help Californians. 

What do you envision for your future?

I am expanding my Wicks of Wisdom™ line in today’s market. My goal is to publish my book this year. I have two producers interested in the story for a film. I built, which streams my old shows plus new content 24/7. I cohost a holistic health show with naturopath and author Sharyn Wynters and a recovery show with mental health specialist Candy Finnigan. We all bring decades of experience to enlighten.

Do you feel a connection to the Valley?

I certainly feel a connection to the Valley since I was born in Hollywood and grew up in Sherman Oaks. No matter how many times I have moved out, I always return to the Valley. I love driving up and down the Boulevard to shop, dine or visit friends. I know the various communities from Toluca Lake to Malibu. Since getting my license in 1970, driving through the canyons into town—whether Hollywood, Beverly Hills or the Westside—is a joy for me. The architecture and cultural changes that have taken place over the years are obvious, but the Valley is still the Valley. I will always hold a special love and passion for it. I will always be a Valley girl … for sure. 

Photographed by Jeffrey Fiterman