Lindey Lambert

  • Address

    4804 Laurel Canyon Blvd., Toluca Lake

  • Phone


  • Website | Social
    IG: @lindeylambert

  • Photographed by

    Lesley Bohm

  • Special Section

    Women Who Lead

Following a 10-year career in commercial and television production, branding and marketing for large national corporations including Mattel, Disney, ABC and Fox, Lindey Lambert founded Amuse Media to help businesses create marketing campaigns that increased their bottom lines. Then she shifted gears and worked in the real estate business for several years. Lindey moved into the field of branding and marketing in early 2023 with her eponymous firm, helping clients grow their businesses organically online. 

What inspired you to pursue this career?

Earlier this year, I rediscovered my passion and purpose. I have a natural talent for making dreams come true! My Lindey Lambert brand is about inspiration. What is your dream? What is your passion? What excites you and makes you want to take your business to the next level?      Using the power of story, my team and I create brands that are unique, bold and memorable. We communicate with messaging that tells the ongoing story of one-of-a-kind brands. Finally, we connect clients with their ideal customers.

Do you feel a connection to the Valley?

I was raised in Toluca Lake, so Ventura Boulevard has played a role in every stage of my life. The incredible restaurants, the great shops and the Boulevard itself are constantly evolving and filled with surprises. Yet it always feels like home. 

What advice would you give your younger self just starting out in business?

If I had a chance, I’d give my younger self one simple piece of advice. OK, maybe three. Trust your instincts, listen to your inspiration and take consistent action. Combined, those three things will get you to where you want to be. Every. Single. Time. 

What does success mean to you?

They say success is doing what you love. My Lindey Lambert brand was born out of a passion for blending storytelling and brands. If you tell me your story, we’ll create your brand. It’s that simple. Branding is not a “one-and-done” kind of thing. It’s continuous. Combined with the right online marketing, you’ve got a formula for successfully putting more joy into your business (and life) and more dollars in your pocket.