Fall Breakouts
From books to TV, here are some local endeavors worth falling for.
CategoryPeople, Social Scene
Everyday Thai Cooking
Katie Chin learned the secrets of Chinese cooking in the kitchen of her mom, the late Leeann Chin, who was a San Francisco restaurateur. But Katie’s interest in Asian foods has evolved over the years and culminates in this book, which shares recipes, tips, tools and techniques for making Thai dishes. This Encino mom of twin toddlers keeps it simple and easy—offering basic recipes for staple dishes that include both homemade and store-bought options.
Gracefully Gone
Actress Alicia Coppola’s book, interspersed with candid, gut-wrenching and at times humorous moments, is a fusion of two journals: hers and her father’s. His was written after his diagnosis of brain cancer. Hers was written years later, as he began to succumb to the disease. The Studio City mom of three shares their story in an uplifting, poignant manner, proving that a fatal illness can steal a loved one, but your memories remain alive.
Studio City
A Mile of Style: What’s History What’s GossipThis entertaining book by local attorney and former Studio City Chamber of Commerce president Joann R. Deutch will change the way you view Studio City. In a conversational tone, she tells the back-story of Studio City, from its original Tongva settlers to the invasion of movie moguls to its current cast of characters. The story is interspersed with fun tidbits of celebrity gossip.
Spin Masters
Local author Don Potter is something of a former real life Mad Man. Though he is now retired from the ad business, his memories and experiences surely come in handy to weave the tale of his third novel. The heroine in this mystery moves from a Madison Avenue ad agency to Washington, D.C., where she is recruited by a stealth organization to produce campaign ads—only to discover her job is to embed subliminal messages into commercials.
Golden Sisters
The Michelangelo Hair House in Woodland Hills is the setting for the OWN TV show Golden Sisters—a real life comedy following the adventures of three elderly sisters who shot to fame after a YouTube video of them watching a celebrity sex tape went viral. The raucous women run their salon and give colorful advice—sharing their outrageous opinions on everything from sex and dating to celebrities. Check for air dates on oprah.com.