Summer Greenery
Pantone’s fresh and inviting 2017 Color of the Year adds seasonal zest to the home.
Paper salad bowl ($6.50) in “meadow” and appetizer bowl in “lime” ($5). 10 items per package; sophistiplate.com | |
Waverly Bohemian Swirl fabric, $25 per yard; joann.com |
Trove pendant, $595; Lightopia, lightopiaonline.com |
Artisan Series 5-quart tilt-head stand mixer, $430; KitchenAid, kitchenaid.com |
BlueStar kitchen range, $11,675; Ferguson Bath, Kitchen & Lighting Gallery, ferguson.com |
Botanical Garden Trellis Tray, $595; Oscar de la Renta, oscardelarenta.com |
Wallpaper by LA-based artist Michelle Oppenheimer, $16 per square foot; michelleoppenheimer.com |
Fendi Casa Berenice armchair, $3,990; Luxury Living Group, luxurylivinggroup.com |
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